살다 보면 터미널로 블루투스 페이링을 할 필요가 있다. bluetoothctl가 제공하는 scan on, pair, trust, connect로 가능하다.
[bluetooth]# pair 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 not available [bluetooth]# scan on Discovery started [CHG] Controller AA:AA:AA:AA:AA:AA Discovering: yes [CHG] Device 74:31:32:C6:8F:67 RSSI: -72 [CHG] Device 74:31:32:C6:8F:67 TxPower: 12 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:2E RSSI: -84 [CHG] Device 5F:B7:26:83:54:58 RSSI: -73 [CHG] Device 5F:B7:26:83:54:58 TxPower: 26 [CHG] Device 75:CB:B4:32:0F:29 RSSI: -85 [CHG] Device 5F:5C:FD:38:FC:36 RSSI: -84 [CHG] Device 5F:5C:FD:38:FC:36 TxPower: 6 [CHG] Device 68:47:92:B1:39:9C RSSI: -73 [CHG] Device 68:47:92:B1:39:9C TxPower: 8 [CHG] Device 58:7B:3E:E0:3F:F5 RSSI: -72 [CHG] Device 58:7B:3E:E0:3F:F5 TxPower: 7 [CHG] Device 42:39:EF:80:06:A0 RSSI: -71 [CHG] Device 42:39:EF:80:06:A0 TxPower: 12 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:2C RSSI: -89 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:14 RSSI: -79 [CHG] Device 7D:72:08:EE:56:18 RSSI: -72 [CHG] Device 7D:72:08:EE:56:18 TxPower: 24 [CHG] Device 42:39:EF:80:06:A0 AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:C3:AA RSSI: -88 [CHG] Device 43:AF:C1:01:A4:9E RSSI: -73 [CHG] Device 43:AF:C1:01:A4:9E TxPower: 7 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:27 RSSI: -89 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:16 RSSI: -91 [CHG] Device 43:AF:C1:01:A4:9E AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:16 AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:27 AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 53:02:B7:C1:DA:EF RSSI: -90 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:2C AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 53:02:B7:C1:DA:EF AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [NEW] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Keyboard K480 [CHG] Device DC:B5:4F:0A:1B:C7 RSSI: -79 [bluetooth]# pair 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Attempting to pair with 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.ConnectionAttemptFailed [CHG] Device 42:39:EF:80:06:A0 AdvertisingFlags: 1a . [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:16 AdvertisingFlags: 06 . [CHG] Device 2E:23:6D:1E:EC:1A RSSI: -85 [CHG] Device 43:AF:C1:01:A4:9E AdvertisingFlags: 1a . [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:27 AdvertisingFlags: 06 . [CHG] Device 70:4A:71:F9:0C:89 RSSI: -92 [CHG] Device 70:4A:71:F9:0C:89 TxPower: 7 [CHG] Device 70:4A:71:F9:0C:89 AdvertisingFlags: 1a . [CHG] Device 53:02:B7:C1:DA:EF AdvertisingFlags: 02 . [CHG] Device 68:47:92:B1:39:9C RSSI: -86 [CHG] Device 75:CB:B4:32:0F:29 RSSI: -97 [NEW] Device 00:17:55:B0:CE:F5 44881938.01000222 [CHG] Device 53:02:B7:C1:DA:EF AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:2C AdvertisingFlags: 06 . [bluetooth]# pair 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Attempting to pair with 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Connected: yes [agent] Passkey: 091237 [agent] Passkey: 091237 [agent] Passkey: 091237 [agent] Passkey: 091237 [agent] Passkey: 091237 [agent] Passkey: 091237 [agent] Passkey: 091237 [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Modalias: usb:v046DpB33Cd2802 [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 UUIDs: 00001000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 UUIDs: 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 ServicesResolved: yes [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Paired: yes Pairing successful [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 ServicesResolved: no [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Connected: no [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:14 RSSI: -89 [CHG] Device 53:02:B7:C1:DA:EF AdvertisingFlags: 02 . [CHG] Device 68:47:92:B1:39:9C RSSI: -78 [CHG] Device 5F:5C:FD:38:FC:36 ManufacturerData Key: 0x004c [CHG] Device 5F:5C:FD:38:FC:36 ManufacturerData Value: 10 06 7e 1e 2a 4b a0 b5 ..~.*K.. [CHG] Device 75:CB:B4:32:0F:29 RSSI: -88 [CHG] Device 75:CB:B4:32:0F:29 AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 74:31:32:C6:8F:67 RSSI: -87 [CHG] Device 7F:70:C6:B1:18:7B RSSI: -90 [CHG] Device 7F:70:C6:B1:18:7B TxPower: 12 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:27 AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [bluetooth]# trust 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Trusted: yes Changing 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 trust succeeded [CHG] Device 74:31:32:C6:8F:67 RSSI: -71 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:14 RSSI: -80 [CHG] Device 75:CB:B4:32:0F:29 AdvertisingFlags: 02 . [NEW] Device 79:2D:EA:FA:C8:07 79-2D-EA-FA-C8-07 [CHG] Device 43:AF:C1:01:A4:9E AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 42:39:EF:80:06:A0 AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 68:47:92:B1:39:9C AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 53:02:B7:C1:DA:EF AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:C3:D0 RSSI: -94 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:27 AdvertisingFlags: 06 . [DEL] Device 7D:72:08:EE:56:18 7D-72-08-EE-56-18 [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:2E 44881995.01000222 [DEL] Device 5F:B7:26:83:54:58 5F-B7-26-83-54-58 [DEL] Device 72:1E:96:C2:47:34 72-1E-96-C2-47-34 [DEL] Device 74:31:32:C6:8F:67 74-31-32-C6-8F-67 [DEL] Device 5F:5C:FD:38:FC:36 5F-5C-FD-38-FC-36 [DEL] Device 58:7B:3E:E0:3F:F5 58-7B-3E-E0-3F-F5 [DEL] Device 68:47:92:B1:39:9C 68-47-92-B1-39-9C [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:14 44881201.01000222 [DEL] Device 42:39:EF:80:06:A0 42-39-EF-80-06-A0 [DEL] Device 2E:23:6D:1E:EC:1A 2E-23-6D-1E-EC-1A [DEL] Device 52:16:A9:CA:B5:11 52-16-A9-CA-B5-11 [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:27 44881988.01000222 [DEL] Device 7F:70:C6:B1:18:7B 7F-70-C6-B1-18-7B [DEL] Device 50:1E:AF:D4:17:76 50-1E-AF-D4-17-76 [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:C3:AA 44879047.01000222 [DEL] Device 6F:3D:D3:F2:4A:31 6F-3D-D3-F2-4A-31 [DEL] Device DC:B5:4F:0A:1B:C7 Mike Bouchon [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:16 44881203.01000222 [DEL] Device 6F:44:C7:02:3B:D0 6F-44-C7-02-3B-D0 [DEL] Device 4A:41:FE:14:FE:2A 4A-41-FE-14-FE-2A [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:17 00-17-55-B0-CF-17 [DEL] Device 40:CC:C6:57:E4:40 40-CC-C6-57-E4-40 [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:25 44881986.01000222 [DEL] Device 70:4A:71:F9:0C:89 70-4A-71-F9-0C-89 [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:2C 44881993.01000222 [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:C3:D0 00-17-55-B0-C3-D0 [DEL] Device 76:7F:82:5E:9F:77 76-7F-82-5E-9F-77 [DEL] Device 53:02:B7:C1:DA:EF 53-02-B7-C1-DA-EF [DEL] Device 57:09:04:A4:37:BD 57-09-04-A4-37-BD [DEL] Device 75:CB:B4:32:0F:29 75-CB-B4-32-0F-29 [DEL] Device 43:AF:C1:01:A4:9E 43-AF-C1-01-A4-9E [DEL] Device 00:17:55:B0:CE:F5 44881938.01000222 [DEL] Device 79:2D:EA:FA:C8:07 79-2D-EA-FA-C8-07 [NEW] Device 7F:70:C6:B1:18:7B 7F-70-C6-B1-18-7B [bluetooth]# connect 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Attempting to connect to 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 Connected: yes Connection successful [NEW] Device DC:B5:4F:0A:1B:C7 Mike Bouchon [CHG] Device 34:88:5D:5C:C2:65 ServicesResolved: yes [NEW] Device 43:AF:C1:01:A4:9E 43-AF-C1-01-A4-9E [NEW] Device 5F:B7:26:83:54:58 5F-B7-26-83-54-58 [NEW] Device 53:02:B7:C1:DA:EF 53-02-B7-C1-DA-EF [NEW] Device 7D:72:08:EE:56:18 7D-72-08-EE-56-18 [NEW] Device 68:47:92:B1:39:9C 68-47-92-B1-39-9C [NEW] Device 10:B8:5D:5C:03:7E 10-B8-5D-5C-03-7E [NEW] Device 6F:1D:B5:96:AE:86 6F-1D-B5-96-AE-86 [NEW] Device 74:31:32:C6:8F:67 74-31-32-C6-8F-67 [NEW] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:2E 44881995.01000222 [NEW] Device 75:CB:B4:32:0F:29 75-CB-B4-32-0F-29 [NEW] Device 42:39:EF:80:06:A0 42-39-EF-80-06-A0 [NEW] Device 79:2D:EA:FA:C8:07 79-2D-EA-FA-C8-07 [NEW] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:27 44881988.01000222 [NEW] Device 6F:3D:D3:F2:4A:31 6F-3D-D3-F2-4A-31 [NEW] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:14 44881201.01000222 [NEW] Device 00:17:55:B0:C3:AA 44879047.01000222 [CHG] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:27 AdvertisingFlags: 00 . [NEW] Device 00:17:55:B0:CF:2C 44881993.01000222 [NEW] Device 00:17:55:B0:CC:16 44881203.01000222 [CHG] Device DC:B5:4F:0A:1B:C7 RSSI: -80
처음 블루투스를 실행하면 잘 안되는데, 여기를 참조했다. ExecStart에 옵션을 잘 넣어주면 된다.
pi@raspberrypi:/etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.target.wants $ pwd /etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.target.wants pi@raspberrypi:/etc/systemd/system/bluetooth.target.wants $ cat bluetooth.service bluetooth.service [Unit] Description=Bluetooth service Documentation=man:bluetoothd(8) ConditionPathIsDirectory=/sys/class/bluetooth [Service] Type=dbus BusName=org.bluez #ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --compat --noplugin=sap -E NotifyAccess=main #WatchdogSec=10 #Restart=on-failure CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE LimitNPROC=1 ProtectHome=true ProtectSystem=full [Install] WantedBy=bluetooth.target Alias=dbus-org.bluez.service [Unit] Description=Bluetooth service Documentation=man:bluetoothd(8) ConditionPathIsDirectory=/sys/class/bluetooth [Service] Type=dbus BusName=org.bluez #ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --compat --noplugin=sap -E NotifyAccess=main #WatchdogSec=10 #Restart=on-failure CapabilityBoundingSet=CAP_NET_ADMIN CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE LimitNPROC=1 ProtectHome=true ProtectSystem=full [Install] WantedBy=bluetooth.target Alias=dbus-org.bluez.service